Propane Safety for Homes

Propane has a long-standing history of safety in New England and the USA as a whole. The fuel is also highly regulated, which helps support propane’s safety record. The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) has set standards for propane use and storage. Propane is naturally odorless, colorless and non-toxic, although a distinct sulfur-scented odorant is added to help homeowners detect leaks.

Here are some instructions to follow if you think a propane leak has occurred. Although leaks are rare, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you have any doubts or suspicion, please give us a call. We’ll be more than happy to assist you.

If You Smell Propane

  1. Do not turn any devices ON or OFF, including light switches, phones, computers, flashlights, etc.
  2. Immediately help all family and pets leave the home or building with the propane leak.
  3. Do not try to find the source of the propane. If it’s safe to turn off the gas at the tank, do so.
  4. Use a phone or cell phone outside of the building to notify J.J. Sullivan Oil & Propane
  5. Wait to return to the building until a professional has deemed it safe.



Propane Safety Tips

Other Propane Safety Tips

  • Use propane appliances only for their intended use.
  • Propane appliances should always have proper circulation of air.
  • The flame should burn blue. A yellow or orange flame may indicate poor venting or combustion.
  • Keep flammable or combustible materials away from propane appliances and storage tanks.
  • Never use cooking stoves for heating, or vice versa.
  • Have an evacuation plan set in place and instruct your family or children of what to do.
  • Always maintain a fire extinguisher in your home.

Propane Safety Resources

Other Propane Safety Resources

Another reason propane is so safe is that it’s highly regulated. One resource we love is the Propane Education & Research Council, which provides suggestions on how you can make the most out of your propane safety. Click below to access some of their helpful resources:


If you have any questions about safety or the use or installation of propane, please call J.J. Sullivan Oil & Propane. Our knowledgeable and professional staff will immediately take care of your needs.